
Thursday, January 12, 2006

5 Celebrities That The World Needs To Stop Encouraging: 

Ok, so I think that last List of 5 was a bit dull. So I am picking a new list topic that is a bit more gossipy. As most of the world knows I am somewhat addicted to Pop Culture. I think this in part due to the fact that the only REAL cable channel that I get is VH1. Sad, but true. As a result I know way more than any one person should know about the 70's, 80's, and the 90's. I have also watched at least one to many episodes of the Surreal Life. So instead of turning away from this addiction I am opting to indulge it!!! So, without further ado, the new List of 5 topic is...

5 Celebrities that the World Needs to Stop Encouraging:

5 Celebrities that CraezeeDaezee thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Paris Hilton. Ok, so the list of reason’s why Paris is just wrong is a long one. How is it that our society considers this girl/woman a celebrity? Part of me thinks that people are just waiting around to find out what comes next, but I personally would prefer NOT to know. I mean how much more nearly-naked, boyfriend stealing, anorexic, over-indulgent, life of excess can a person be expected to tolerate?!?

2. Anna Nicole Smith. Ok, so this one is just sad. I mean, someone should really put this woman and the people that are surrounding her out of their misery. If she were an average person living an average life she would probably have already been committed…to rehab, the psycho ward, possibly prison. Instead, we have put her on television in her own reality series so that we can all laugh at her and feel blessed that we are able to string coherent sentences together.

3. Flavor Flav. I know that some of you aren’t going to know who this nutzo is, but as I am addicted to VH1, I was introduced to him via the show the Surreal Life season 3. He is a rapper in the group Public Enemy. He took a turn on the SL and ended up hooking up with Brigitte Neilson (who probably also deserves a spot on this list). EWWW! Anyway, their hook-up inspired a spin off of their own show, and now Flava has his very own show that is sort of a wanna be the Bachelor. EWWW! He is this wiry little sprig of a semi-man, who always wears a GIGANTIC wall clock around his neck as a necklace, a terribly ugly viking hat, and has a gold teeth plate. This is all supposed to add up to sexy? Only in some freaky alternate universe!

4. Star Jones. All right, so I am all for a girl losing some weight and getting herself a man, but come on already. Maybe I should be happy for her and wish her the best of luck, but please, this woman actually offered to pitch for certain companies if they would give her free stuff for her wedding. This just seems wrong on all sorts of levels to me. Then when all is said and done she actually wrote a book about it and is making even more money off of it.

5. Mariah Carey. Someone needs to slap this woman so hard her stylist can feel the sting of it! Don’t get me wrong, there have been times in my life when I thought that skimpy was the way to go, and there have also been times in my life when I was clearly in denial about just how heavy my behind was getting, but these are stages that everyone goes through. The thing about these stages is that they end. You learn from your horrible mistakes, burn the pictures, put your bra back on and buy some clothes that cover your booty!

5 Celebrities that Papa Blair thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Tom Cruise!! When he jumped on the couch in his underwear in Risky Business it was fun. When he jumped on the couch on Oprah expressing his love for Katie Holmes it was nauseating. Somebody needs to squirt him in the face with another fake microphone only this time it should be with testosterone instead of water. He could obviously use it. Gee, I can't wait for little baby L. Ron Hubbard Jr. to be born. Note: L. Rob Hubbard is the creator of Scientology.

2. Brangelina. I actually feel sorry for Brad Pitt here. The never ending media thrill of combining star names actually hurts poor chiseled Brad here. I mean all he gets of his name is BR and the rest is really Angelina's name. But who can blame them really - she does have some yummy lips.
3. Brittney Spears - enough said

4. Nick & Jessica. Here's a question for Nick. Yes, she may have been as dumb as a post but who cares? How could you leave that? I guess this just goes to show that no matter how beautiful some woman is that some guy somewhere is tired of putting up with her $#!+.

5. Oprah - She's fat, she's thin, she's fat, she's thin. Oprah! Pick a weight and stick with it!

5 Celebrities that OCDiva thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Tom Kat. In consensus with everyone else.

2. BrAngelina. In consensus with everyone else again.

3. Russell Crowe. Eternally, and we all know that if he could have kept it in his pants then Meg and Dennis might have made it.

4. Michael Jackson. Talk about someone feeding off the public eye and with every bite getting stranger and stranger.

5. The guy that does all the commercials where he swings his arm around like a propeller blade and goes really fast in what he is saying, with a bad comb over hair do!!

5 Celebrities that the Lady Known as Lou thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Brittany Spears
2. Brittany Spears
3. Brittany Spears
4. Brittany Spears
5. Brittany Spears

Entirely overrated in every aspect of her career! (Bring on Jessica Simpson – glad she dumped that stupid husband of her! You go girl!)

5 Celebrities that KHearts thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Mariah Carey
2. Ashlee Simpson
3. Paris Hilton
4. Gwen Stefani
5. Shakira

5 Celebrities that Rosey Girl thinks the World should stop Encouraging:
1. Brangelina-Beautiful people suck.
2. Jessica Simpson-Really, we all know why Nick left.
3. Kevin Federline-Looser wannabe latched on to someone famous, same old story we’ve heard before.
4. Star Jones-Sure she lost the weight but she still looks like an alien and
she's still obnoxious.
5. Lindsey Lohan- She lost the weight naturally, yeah right.

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